Sunday, June 22, 2014

CHILDREN- 15 Questions Every Parent Should Ask When Children Get Home from School

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I read this beautiful write up by Muslimah’s' Arena, and I decided to share with you. Most parent become are so busy with life that they forget some basic training for their kids to becoming better in life, like checking out on their children’s school activities as it relates to their performance, teachers, friends etc. Please continue to read as you would love to spice your children’s upbringing with one or two of this.

With roughly 180 days in a school year, how can all of them be ‘good’!!! Yet on any given day, if you were to ask any one of your children: “How was school today?” They would answer: “Good.” So, if you want to really know what’s going on in school, you have to dig deeper by asking more questions. But, what types of questions should you ask? How can you get to the bottom of what’s really happening between the openings and closings school bells?

Here’s are a list of 15 questions you can ask your children that will hopefully give you a better feel of what’s happening in their world.

1.  How was school? - You already know the answer is going to be good, so this is your opportunity to dig deeper.
2. Why was it _______? - This really forces them to think about the day and explain to you why it was good.  And if it really was not good, they will tell you … well it wasn’t really good, but it was …
3. Did anything exciting happen today? - I love to hear about the things that excite them about school. Whether it was a delicious treat, an interesting visitor to the class, or a funny joke.
4. What did you learn about today? - Find out which topics they are learning in each subject: What’s going on in Math? What about English? What are you doing in Health Education?
5. Do you have any homework? - Not every kid is the same. Some of them will do their homework whether you ask about it or not. And then, there are others who subscribe to the “don’t ask don’t tell” philosophy of homework. One of my children subscribes to this philosophy….… so it is possible that your child may not do their homework if they are not asked or supervised.
6. Do you have any tests coming up? - In my house, our motto is practice makes perfect. We study for tests … all of them. And if you don’t study, I still expect an A!!! I am teaching them how to study when they are young, because it will be required when they are older. They will have to study in secondary school and university when the courses get harder. They will have to know how to prepare for projects and assignments in their careers too.
7. What did you eat for lunch? - I discovered that my daughters like beans (and other foods) by asking them what they ate for lunch.

8. Did you like it? - It is hilarious to hear them describe the school lunch sometimes. Sometimes they say certain things are so delicious or the “bestest ever” … and there are other times when they say it’s disgusting. But the way they explain it and the expressions on their faces are hilarious. Also, I take this opportunity to ask them what they did with their lunch allowance.
9.  Who are your friends in class? - Are your children getting along with their classmates?
10. Who do you play with on the playground? - I also ask questions about the playground. Who are you playing with? What games do you play? This is also when I learn about bullying and any problems that children may be having with their friends. This is my opportunity to support my child, to talk over how they should respond, or to get involved as needed.
11. Who is your best friend? - Do you know your kid’s best friend’s name?
12. What is your favorite subject? - My daughter absolutely loves to read, she is a straight A student. She told me she does not like P. E, but like Maths, English, Science and Creative Writing. I explain the rationale for P.E. Then, I jokingly tell her that she cannot be my daughter if she doesn’t like P.E.
13. Can I see your agenda? - Our schools give every student an agenda book/diary where they are supposed to write their daily assignments, and the teachers will leave you notes about their behavior or upcoming activities. Find time to review this daily.
14. Do you have any papers for me? - Sometimes children “forget” to give you papers/letters from the school. This question will jog their memory.
15. What is happening? - If your child comes home with a note from the teacher about an upcoming event, you can ask questions to understand your child’s perspective/views about the event.
Our children need to know that we are investing in them and in their academic success. Take some time to talk to your children each day about what is going on in school and help them with whatever they need, whether it’s help with homework or help with a social issue with their friends or teachers.

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