Tuesday, June 10, 2014

5 Things You MUST NEVER DO To Lose Weight

1. All Forms of Purging can be dangerous to your health: Eating and drinking healthfully is a much safer weight loss approach. Acid in the stomach is extremely strong and is needed to prepare food for digestion and absorption. The more you purge, the more you get rid of it. This can increase risk for certain cancers, tooth decay, and even the excess fluid loss can cause serious dehydration.

2. Extreme Exercising: Extreme exercise can cause grave problems (severe wear and tear), increases the risk for injury, dehydration, and electrolyte imbalance; and psychologically turns exercise into punishment for eating.

3. Do not Starve, Fast, or feed on very Low-Calorie Diets to lose weight: Unless medically supervised, don’t cut calories below 1,200 per day. Severely slashing calories may lead to weight loss, but the lost weight includes precious muscle and lowers metabolism. Otherwise, your body will struggle to get enough nutrients to fuel your activities and satisfy your hunger. Keep in mind that when you lose weight quickly, you may be at risk to pack it back on with more fat and less muscle -- especially if you're over 45.

4. If you're thinking about taking any weight loss Supplement, ask your doctor first: If you must use Supplements for weight lose, consult your Doctor first, because even products that claim to be natural aren’t necessarily safe or good for you.

5. Smoking: Nicotine has been shown to be an appetite suppressant, but the risks of smoking vastly outweigh any benefits. Smoking harms nearly every organ of the body; causes cancer as well as cardiovascular, respiratory, and other diseases; and reduces the health of smokers in general. Beyond the numerous health risks, weight gain is often a side effect when smokers try to kick the addictive habit.

Bottom line: Don’t smoke for any reason, least of all to lose weight.

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