Thursday, June 05, 2014

Cervical Cancer in Nigeria- Control Strategy

Globally, cervical cancer is the second most common and the fifth deadliest cancer in women, according to the World Health Organisation (WHO). Cervical cancer is a malignant neoplasm arising from cell-originating in the cervix. Cervix is called the neck of the womb, the uterus is joined to the vagina by the cervix and it plays an important part in a woman's reproductive health. Cancer now kills more people worldwide. Most Nigerian women are NOT aware of the need for cervical cancer screening; more than 30 women die of cervical cancer every day in Nigeria. Countries with the worst index on the list of cervical cancer include India, Brazil, Bangladesh and Nigeria.

The greatest risk factor for cervical cancer is infection, smoking and having many children. Although there are several other factors like family history, age and race.

Cervical cancer is the easiest of all human cancers to prevent. One way to check is screening, and it is painless. It takes about 5 minutes to perform.
Cervical cancer screening uses two kinds of tests:
  • The Pap test, which checks for abnormal changes in cervical cells that may indicate cancer. The Pap test is the main test used for cervical cancer screening.
  • The HPV test, which checks for high-risk strains of the human papillomavirus (HPV) that cause cervical cancer. The HPV test may be used along with a Pap test or after a woman has had an abnormal Pap test result.
Current cervical cancer screening guidelines from the United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF), the American Cancer Society (ACS), and the American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) recommend:
  • Women ages 21 - 29 should be screened once every 3 years with a Pap test.
  • Women ages 30 - 65 should be screened with either a Pap test every 3 years OR a Pap test and HPV test every 5 years.
  • Women age 65 and older no longer need Pap tests as long as they have had regular Pap tests with normal results. Women who have been diagnosed with pre-cancer should continue to receive regular screenings.
With early detection, cancers are 100% curable. Cervical Cancer causes little or no symptoms until it is too late, however early signs can include, pains during sexual intercourse and vaginal discharge. Later signs can include pelvic pain, weight loss, swollen legs, loss of appetite, and heavy bleeding from the vagina.

Below are a few tips to help you stay away from cancer of the cervix:

1. Do not Douche: Cleaning your vagina by inserting your finger, soap or anything else is very wrong. The vagina is self cleaning and douching can change the acidity and bacterial makeup of the vagina, thereby causing infections which may spread to the uterus, fallopian tubes, and ovaries. Ladies, there’s no need to douche or apply products internally; you can keep your vagina healthy by simply washing the vulva (outside) with water during your daily shower or better still whenever you use the toilet. Even if you had sex, or just finished using the toilet, there is no need putting things inside to clean it. If you do, you are only causing trouble for yourself.

2. Do not use herbs, ice cube, vinegar or what so ever to tighten your vagina: your vagina is a muscle, no amount of sticks or stones or herbs will tighten it. The best is exercise, such as kegel. You can do this exercise anywhere and at any time. Do you know why you think your vagina is tighter after using the sticks or herbs etc? It is because they suck out the moisture from inside and make your vagina to swell, therefore becoming smaller and you think you are tight. You are not! You are simply swollen and having sex while swollen will increase your chances of bruising, infection and other health consequences. Stop inserting things in your vagina, leave it alone. 

3. Stop abusing antibiotics: Antibiotics should only be used when prescribed by a doctor. Abusing it will only make you resistant to it and by the time you are really sick and need it, might not work as quickly as possible. You are making yourself vulnerable to infections. 

4. No man is worth dying for, so for no reason should you allow a man put in his finger into your private part; most times the fingers are even dirty! Please take out time to walk to cancer ward at LUTH, UCH or ABU, after that visit trust me you will not come back asking for what to put in your vagina. No man is worth putting your life at risk for.



The normal cervix (negative AAT)

Positive AAT- (White changes occur)

Early stage of cervical cancer

Cervical cancer late stage

Radiotherapy, needed to manage cervical cancer is unavailable in most tertiary hospitals in Nigeria, you can only find in LUTH, UCH, and ABU.

Please Be Informed!

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